Is Herpes Curable if Caught early? Yes Homeopathy Treatment For Herpes
Herpes is denoted to a group of vesicles, fluid-filled eruptions, on a reddish area of skin due to inflammation. These herpetic vesicular eruptions appear like a bunch of grapes.
Herpes is known for two major types, Herpes simplex and Herpes zoster. In this feature, details about Herpes simplex is given for awareness and treatment.
What causes Herpes simplex:
Herpes simplex is skin disease caused due to a virus attack, Herpes Simplex Virus(HSV). Again, there are two different types of HSV : HSV-1 and HSV-2.
HSV-2 is the virus responsible for genital herpes simplex and all the other clinical varieties of Herpes simplex are caused to HSV-1.
It is to be noted that the virus which caused herpes is present everywhere. It is more prevalent in temperate climate and cold weather.
Why do we suffer from Herpes :
Though the virus is prevalent around us in temperate climate and cold weather, it only attacks us when we are under stress, a psychogenic stress or an injury, some fevers such as malaria, pneumonia and meningitis. Herpes virus may also attack us after prolonged general illness and general debility etc.
What are the symptoms of Herpes :
Typically Herpes virus attack brings on series of symptoms ;
It starts with a sensation of burning and/or itching after an exposure to cold weather or sun etc or any triggering factor.
Then, reddish eruptions in the form of macules appear. Vesicles then start rapidly developing on the reddish inflammatory base.
The vesicles are pinhead sized, they develop in groups and superficially present.
Later, the vesicles become opaque. Finally, the vesicles may rupture to become crusted or they might dry-up to leave a faint, reddish stain.
The above process of the herpes simplex development takes about 7 to 14 days. There is no scarring of the herpes simplex lesions unless a secondary infection occurs in them. And sometimes, hyperpigmentation(darkening of the area) or depigmentation ( lightening of the area) may happen.
What are the associated symptoms of Herpes :
HSV-1 primarily attacks the skin but it might also cause its effects on other parts of the body by causing complaints such as ;
Gingivo-stomatitis ( Gums and tongue involved ) or Vulvo-vaginitis ( female genitalia involved ) or kerato-conjunctivitis ( eyes are involved ) . In such a case, it is associated with fever, weakness , malaise and regional lymphadenopathy( involvement of the lymph glands of nearby region ).
Herpetic whitlow , a condition in which painful vesicles are formed around the nailfold. The vesicles and pustular eruptions may also be formed. It is associated with regional lympadenopathy .
Eczema herpeticum type or Kaposi’s varicelliform eruption.
Herpes and Similar diseases :
Herpes simplex should be differentiated from Herpes zoster, Syphilitic chancre, Scabies of the penis, lichen planus and any drug reactions.
What are the complications of Herpes:
Herpes as such has its own individuality and peculiar herpetic vesicular eruptions in groups as the symptoms. Sometimes, any secondary infection in the herpetic vesicles may lead to scarring of the site at the site of herpetic eruptions.
In some other cases, hyperpigmentation of the skin or depigmentation of the skin can also occur.
How to prevent Herpes attack :
Herpes is caused due to virus attack when triggered by stress or weather, other causative factors. The recurrence of Herpes can be prevented by complete treatment as per doctor’s advice, maintaining personal hygiene and taking immunity boosters or measures to improve the immunity.
Homeopathy Treatment for Herpes :
Herpes simplex is caused due to virus attacking the person whenever there is decrease in the immunity levels. Homeopathic treatment works on the philosophy of strengthening the immune system by acting deep into the body’s mechanism. The preparation of homeopathic medicines to treat Herpes simplex is through a process of dynamisation which bring equilibrium in the disturbed cells of the body so as to fight HSV virus attack.
Positive Homeopathy Clinics have been treating patients with Herpes in all of the 25+ clinics and also through online consultation. The role of bringing awareness among people of the region where Herpes becomes rampant is also being implemented by Positive Homeopathy by distributing free preventive medicines and complete treatment procedures. The doctors are well-trained and experienced to provide best homeopathy treatment for Herpes with the help of constitutional therapy and quality german homeopathic medicines.