Headache is a very common symptom experienced by all in their lifetime and it is therefore one of the common reasons people visit doctors for treatment. Therefore, it can be said that headache has become more of a disability than a neurological complaint.
Homeopathy Treatment For Headache – Positive Homeopathy
On a visit to a homeopathic clinic, the homeopath classifies the headache as either primary headache or secondary headache. A primary headache is one in which headaches and its associated symptoms are the only features in itself. Whereas, secondary headache is the one which is caused by exogenous disorders such as upper respiratory tract infections etc. Primary headaches cause considerable disability and maybe cause decrease in the patients quality of life.
What causes headaches everyday?
Headaches usually occur when peripherally located pain sensitive receptors are stimulated in response to tissue injury, etc which is considered a normal physiologic response. Pain can also be a result of damage in the way of pain-producing pathways either of the peripheral nervous system or central nervous system. And headaches can be from cranial structures such scalp, the dural sinuses, blood vessels etc to name a few.
The common causes for Primary Headaches are
- Tension-type
- Migraine
- Idiopathic or Causeless
- Exertional
- Cluster
So also, causes of Secondary headache are
- Systemic infection
- Head injury
- Vascular disorders
- Brain tumor
A doctor needs complete information from the patient with headache in order to diagnose because a new and severe headache is different from recurrent headaches over many years. Most of the times, for a new-onset headache probable cause can be found easily than in patients with recurrent headache.
Acute headache and headaches of sudden onset need prompt evaluation and appropriate treatment. Some of the serious causes which need to be considered are glaucoma, hematoma, tumor, subdural hematoma and purulent sinusitis.
Investigations may be required in eliciting the cause for acute headaches . CT or MRI study is essential. In rare cases, lumbar puncture is also required.
Homeopathy has wonderful remedies for all types of headaches. A homeopathic doctor takes complete history necessary in evaluation of headache and the causative factors.
For acute headaches, carefully selected homeopathic medicines cures it completely and prevents recurrent headaches.
A constitutional homeopathy Treatment for Headache is considered the best homeopathic treatment for headaches as it heals the whole person considering the causative factor and the type of headache. Positive Homeopathy with its experience doctors are providing perfect homeopathic healthcare services for the patients with headache.