Homeopathy treatment for Asthma
Asthma commonly used as “damma” in hindi, “ubbasamu” in telugu, “ubbasa” in kannada.
Asthma or Bronchial Asthma is because of the airflow obstruction into the lungs. Along with reduced airflow, there is wheezing and dyspnoea(breathlessness).
Narrowing of airways is usually reversible with treatment but in severe cases of chronic asthma, the narrowing will be irreversible.
Who are vulnerable to Asthma?
Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases found affecting population globally. Asthma is more common in childhood . Male children are twice more affected with asthma than female children. Whereas in adults, asthma is found equally in both the sexes.
What are the causes of Asthma?
The real cause(s) for the asthma are yet to be understood. As of recent studies, genetic and environmental factors are thought to be the reasons for asthma.
- But there are certain risk factors and triggering agents for asthma.
- Atopy(allergic tendency): About 80% of asthma patients have atopic tendencies.
- Indoor / Outdoor allergens
- Passive smoking
- Stress
- Dietary habits
- Occupational exposure
What are the symptoms of Asthma?
Asthma has very characteristic symptoms which vary according to the onset and treatment taken.
The symptoms of asthma are wheezing, breathlessness and cough. These symptoms may get worse at night and typically the patients wake-up in the early morning hours with the asthmatic attack.
Before an asthmatic attack, there is itching under the chin, discomfort between the scapulae or an unexplainable fear(impending doom).
What are the complications of asthma?
Asthma that is ignored, wrongly diagnosed , or not treated aggressively leads to the risk for lung tissue scarring from airways disease. This leads to irreversible stage of asthma where it is severe and persistent.
Poorly controlled asthma leads to chronic asthma initially.Chronic asthma leads to Anxiety, Stress, Depression. There may be muscle wasting. In severest cases, sudden , persistent asthmatic attacks can trigger respiratory failure and can even lead to death.
What is the treatment for Asthma cure required certain specific and deep-acting medicines. Homeopathic medicines works so deep and helps widen the airways. There are number of homeopathic remedies which provides immunity against risk factors for asthma. Homeopathy also takes into consideration the constitutional aspect of asthma patients which help in treating the asthma permanently without any adverse effects.
At Positive Homeopathy Clinics the aim of the Doctors is to minimize the chronic symptoms. Reduce the number of acute attacks. This is followed by long-term medicinal action so that there are no limitations to perform physical activities including exercise.The medicines prescribed in Our clinics are of high quality and good care is taken to avoid long-term usage of medications.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why asthma develops?
There is no specific reason for asthma. But due to prevalence of certain genetic and environmental factors, triggering factors such as allergens cause asthma. Is stress a factor for asthma?
Stress is a common factor for asthma. A stress could trigger sudden anxiety, shortness of breath which could worsen a asthma patient. What should be avoided if I have asthma?
Exposure to risk factors and triggering agents should be avoided at all cost. Such as allergens, dietary habits, Stress, Passive smoking.
How to control asthma ?
Asthma can be controlled by taking preventive medication for cough and breathlessness. By maintain good lung capacity through passive exercise. Avoiding exposure to risk factors causing asthma such as stress, allergens etc.
What is Acute exacerbations of Chronic asthma?
Exacerbations are a fear related emotion felt by the asthmatic patients. The patient is caught unaware of the increasing chest tightness, the wheeze and dyspnoea. This suddenness is not relieved by routine medications. They get feared , cant complete sentences and cyanosis(bluish discoloration) may set in. This is an emergency situation.
The characteristic symptoms of wheeze with cough are found in other diseases as well such as laryngeal odema, Left ventricular failure, COPD, Pneumonias, Vocal chord dysfunction.