Uterine Fibroids
Uterine fibroid (Fibroid uterus) is the most common benign tumour of the uterus. Benign indicates non-cancerous. It is a solid tumour. Uterine fibroid is also called as uterine leiomyoma, myoma or fibromyoma. It is so named because histologically this tumour is composed of smooth muscle and fibrous connective tissue.
Uterine fibroid is more common in females who have never given birth (nulliparous) or in females who have one child and then infertility. Uterine fibroid is mostly seen in age group 35 to 45 years.
Causes :
The cause for the development of Uterine fibroid is still unclear. It could be due to positive family history, or chromosomal abnormality or because of some polypeptide growth factors involved.
Risk factors
However there are certain risk factors which could prone to Uterine fibroid formation. The risk factors could be
Nulliparity (female who has not given birth)
Obesity and Increased Body Mass Index (BMI)
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
High fat diet
Positive family history
Other factors bearing reduced risk in Uterine fibroid formation are
- Menopause
- Smoking
- Oral contraceptives usage
- Multiparity.
There are basically two types of Uterine fibroid based on the location where they are formed.
The fibroids which are formed in the Body of the uterus and the fibroids which are formed in the Cervix of the uterus.
Uterine fibroid of the body of uterus
Uterine fibroids are mostly located in the body of the uterus. When fibroids are formed in body of the uterus, they are usually multiple fibroids.
With in the body of the uterus, the fibroids are again described based on the position in the body of the uterus. They are
1) Interstitial or Intramural fibroids : About 75% are of this orgin. These firboids are formed within the walls of the body of uterus. Later, they are pushed either outward or inward.
2) Subperitoneal or Subserous : These fibroids are covered by peritoneum. They are the intramural fibroids pushed towards the peritoneal cavity. 15% of the fibroids are of this variety.
3) Submucous : When the intramural fibroid is pushed towards the uterine cavity beneath the endometrium, it is called submucous fibroid. These fibroid can make the uterine cavity irregular and distorted. Although only 5% are of submucous fibroid variety but it produces maximum symptoms such as metrorrhagia(uterine bleeding at irregular intervals) or they get infected or get necrosed etc.
Uterine fibroid in the cervix of the uterus
Uterine fibroid in cervix of the uterus is rare.They are positioned either anterior , posterior, later or central. The interstitial growths tend to displace the cervix or sometimes expand the cervix. The fibroid in the cervix disturb the structures surrounding the cervical part of uterus, especially the ureter.
Signs and symptoms
In majority of females, Uterine fibroid remain asymptomatic, say in about 75% there are no symptoms felt. The symptoms of Uterine fibroid are related to size of the tumour and the location(anatomical site) of the fibroid.
Uterine fibroid as such is mostly asymptomatic (without symptoms) but as it grows in size , could become symptomatic.
- Irregular menses which inlcudes menorrhagia, metrorrhagia
- Painful menses i.e, dysmenorrhoea
- Infertility
- Pain in lower abdomen
- Pain in the pelvic region
- Pregnancy realted problems like miscarraige, preterm labour
- Dysparaeunia (Difficult or painful sexual intercourse)
- Pressure symptoms such as constipation, retention of urine, pain during urination.
Uterine fibroid may not be easily felt in the intitial stages until it is enlarged to a considerable size with the presence of symptoms.
On palpatio, fibroid may feel firm or little hard.
On percussion, the swelling is dull.
Gynaecologist on Bimanual examination will find uterus irregularly enlarged by the swelling felt per abdomen.
Note : Uterine fibroid is confused with Adenomyosis, Bladder fullness, Ovarian tumour, Pregnancy.
What if Uterine fibroid is not treated ?
Uterine fibroid being asymptomatic in the initial stages is left unattended and the size grows. Most of the times, tumour is accidentally found out by the doctor during routine examination. Therefore when the symptoms appear, comprehensive treatment based on achieving cure should be done. On ignoring the signs and symptoms and also on not getting proper treatment, complications may develop such as Infection, Degenerations, Necrosis, Polycythemia, intracapsular haemorrhage and intraperitoneal haemorrhage.
What are the complications of Uterine fibroid ?
Unnoticed and poor medical management of Uterine fibroid could lead to complications : Degenerations, Necrosis , Infection, intraperitoneal haemorrhage, intracapsular haemorrhage, polycythemia.
And there are instances of life-threatening complications of Uterine fibroid due to severe Anaemia resulting from continued vaginal bleeding, menorrhagia or metrorrhagia. Septicaemia or Peritonitis may develop due to prolonged and severe infection. Severe intraperitoneal haemorrhage can occur due to rupture of veins related to subserous fibroid.
Why one can go for Homeopathy ?
Homeopathy has specific remedies for uterine fibroid. The action of homeopathic medicines is as per the constitution of the person.The medicines in homeopathic system of medicines are proven on healthy humans and their sphere of action is noted. Calcarea carb, calcarea fluor and other calcarea group remedies are useful in treating tumour extensively. Apis is another remedy for subserous fibroid. For Uterine fibroid with haemorrhage, homeopathic medicines which act best are Lachesis, Phosphorus, Crotalus hor etc. Homeopathy is the best choice of treatment for treating Uterine fibroid as homeopathic medicines act deep, they are proven for fibroids, they are safe and cause no side-effects, they can help avoid surgery.
Positive Homeopathy’s SPECIALITY in treating Uterine fibroid ?
Positive Homeopathy strictly follows cardinal principles of Homeopathy which ensures chronic cases such Uterine fibroid are treated from the root of the disease. There are many diseases where the cause is not known yet. Positive Homeopathy doctors team have gained experience in treating Uterine fibroid and other such diseases by their own history of succesful results they achieved. We assure the patients with Uterine fibroid about the process of cure and what to expect during the course of treatment.
Can Uterine fibroid put pressure on bladder?
Yes Uterine fibroid can put pressure on urinary bladder, ureter and rectum causing pressure symptoms such as constipation , retention of urine or pain in urine.
If i have Uterine fibroid , can i still get pregnant ?
Though Uterine fibroid cause fertility issues but you can get pregnant. But you should consult a doctor before planning for pregnancy because Uterine fibroid can lead to pregnancy -related problems such as miscarraige, preterm labour, early caesarian section. Therefore it is better to get Uterine fibroid treated before planning for pregnancy. Homeopathy has medicines meant to treat fertility issues out of Uterine fibroid and also remedies for Uterine fibroid without surgery. Most importantly the recurrence of Uterine fibroid can also stopped with homeopathic treatment.
Is hysterectomy the only way if i have fibroids?
Hysterectomy is definitely not the only solution to get rid of fibroids. Neither it is the best solution. There are various ways by which Uterine fibroid can be treated. Your doctor will assess the location and size of the fibroid and find a solution . Homeopathic mode of treatment has complete answer and it surely is the way to get rid of fibroids.
Is Uterine fibroid a cancer ?
Uterine fibroid are non-cancerous benign tumours. They are not a cancer. The word tumour denoted to Uterine fibroid may bring apprehension in people. Uterine fibroid very rarely turn cancerous or get malignant.
Frequently Asked Questions
What causes fibroids to grow?
Because no one knows for sure what causes fibroids, we also don’t know what causes them to grow or shrink. We do know that they are under hormonal control — both estrogen and progesterone. They grow rapidly during pregnancy, when hormone levels are high. They shrink when anti-hormone medication is used.
Are fibroid tumors cancerous?
According to the FDA, if the woman also has uterine cancer, this procedure can risk spreading the cancer within the abdomen and pelvis, making it harder to treat. Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths in the uterus. They are very common and often do not cause symptoms.